Sunday, August 17, 2014

Diet Quests, Part 2

Here's what I've decided for myself.

-I want to know what is in what I'm eating.
-I want to control the portions, without feeling like I'm starving.
-I want to feel better about myself and what I'm putting in my body.

I bought lots of good things :)

Paleo is supposed to eliminate more things than I really wanted to give up.
Rice, Gluten Free Breads, Sweet Potatoes, Nuts, and Yogurt are all still happening.
I did switch to all gluten free, non-dairy milks, and I've eliminated caloric beverages.

on to the quests!

The first 5 levels are pretty much completed already. I'm marking them completed now, but if by the end of the week, I fail, I will "un-mark" them.

Also tomorrow, I'm going to re-weigh in and take measurements.

I'm really excited.
Now to make fitness plans.

Quests: Diet

So haven't posted in a while. Here's the thing: life was crazy busy, and still is. I realized for myself that trying to implement a new diet during these last couple weeks was futile. I wouldn't have stuck with it. I decided that the best time is next week. I'm going to be starting a new job, getting into a new routine, and living more simply.
Side plug: I found the Mint app for budgeting, and I'm really loving it. It's visual. I can create budgets for things I want to save for and things I want to do later (read tiny house lol).

Back to the point.

The diet plan that goes with the NerdFitness program is strictly Paleo.
As with everything else in the NF realm, this diet has levels.
I'm going to alter this a bit, because I need to actually buy the food I'm going to be eating, prep everything, and then eat it ;)
First things first, I need to shop.
When I purchased this program, I was mostly convinced by the prospect of having a staple shopping list.

First, a brief explanation of the guidelines for the diet.

-Focusing only on eating during meals
-Only drinking water
-Gluten, Dairy, and Soy free

That's about as far as I'm going to go. With more extreme dieting, you can cut out rice

I actually went shopping today. My good friend is amazing, and she helped me pick out things.
So excited.

In the next part of this, I'll discuss the quests and what I bought :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Step Three: That Eating Thing

So, I'm a level two. I've done a bunch of reading. I'm mentally ready for this.
Now what?

Well, it's time to fix the eating thing.
As Steve puts so lovingly, 80-90% of leveling up this game of life is eating better.

Crash diets are dumb and don't get anywhere.
I've done the scaling down to 1000 calories, working out whenever possible, and almost passing out. Scary. *Hint hint* It didn't do much but make me worthless. Sure, I lost about 10 lbs. As soon as I started letting myself eat more normal portions, I gained it all back. That whole time, I was tired, weak, and couldn't do anything.

Best thing to do: Simplify your focus!
Focus on eating.
Focus on what is eaten.
Focus on quality.
Focus on quantity.

There is no "cheating". When you make a decision, stick to it. Cheating just makes room for reversing your decision.
I used to leave Sundays for my "cheat" days. More often than not, I would undo all of my progress in one day. Then, I wouldn't want to start over on Monday.

Guys, I'm currently watching American Ninja Warrior. It's so exciting.
Do you think people who train that hard have cheat days?
My guess is no.

What they do, is make decisions.
I am consciously deciding to eat this unhealthy thing.
I'm not ruining anything.
I'm just letting myself enjoy this thing, once.
This is most likely to occur when with people hanging out or family dinners or eating out with friends.
Just stay focused and remember that this is a decision.

Ok focus achieved.
Step Three: Completed.
Now for the Quests!

Mindset: Core Content and Extra Credit

The great thing about NerdFitness is that Steve is awesome. Steve has not only created all of the content for the brand new Quest system, but he also has extra information for us to learn.  There's core content to work through and then even more additional readings.
I'm obviously not going to tell you everything that Steve has put into each section, because I do want him to get paid. If I learn something cool, I'll put a synopsis here. Please go check the program out for yourself though. Steve knows what he's talking about.

Unlockables! Every game of life needs unlockables. I mean, come on. What reward is there for doing stuff we don't want to do aside from having to do it more?
Some unlockable suggestions for you are:
After losing 15 lbs, go buy some new tshirts.
After losing 50 lbs, get a brand new haircut.
Completed all of the workouts this week, new nail polish!
Walked everyday, take a trip to the park.

Just don't use food! So counterproductive. Very bad. Much calories.
A healthier way to incorporate food I guess would be getting coffee with a friend.
Or maybe going fruit picking was a friend or your family. Something healthier, but with social components.
I could be wrong. Just some suggestions lol.

My youth always say "Embrace the Awkward". When there's awkward space, just live in it.
For me, my thought is we need to "Embrace the Uncomfortable". Nothing about starting over and setting a new path is comfortable. It's so much more comfortable to just continue what I'm doing and just dealing with the emotions.
That will get nowhere fast.
One way is to let yourself freak out for 10 seconds and then move on.
Count it out.
Then as Steve puts in one article, use "20 seconds of courage". Put on that courage face and walk in. Don't go back.

New thing. I'm going to start reading before bed. I've gotten into this Netflix funk where I watch show after show until a pass out. It's not healthy, and I'm pretty sure it makes me grumpier.

This concludes the Mindset tour. I've left out a lot of good stuff that you should go check out!

Quests: Mindset

Ok this is going to get personal here.

These things make me feel self-conscious to the point where I don't really want to make this post. That's how uncomfortable this makes me.
I'm not a quitter though. So here goes.

Quest 1: Take Pictures.

Guys. I hate pictures. I hate being in pictures. I hate seeing myself in pictures.
But, Steve from NF has a good point. Before pictures are important.
 In order to get my XP, I gotta take them.

Blah. Done. Now don't be douches and say mean things, or repost pictures somewhere else, or literally anything.
One offense = pictures will be taken down.

Quest 1 Completed.

Quest 2: Measurements

Well here is some more personal information I'm sure you all don't want to know.
1) I weigh 193 lbs. Gross. Just a few months ago I was in the 170s. Meaning I weighed less when I lived on my own and was responsible for my own food.
2) Tape measurements:
Neck- 14"
Chest- 45"
Biceps- 13", 13"
Waist- 43"
Hips- 46"
Thigh- 25", 25"
Calf- 16", 16"

Quest 3: Finding the Why

I think goals are really important. I'm not terribly goal-oriented, so I come off wishy washy. I set a bunch of goals and then get bored, leaving most uncompleted.

I spent my money on this program to make myself get what I really want. I'm tired of taking the easy way out. This program is what I need to get in gear. As my brother would say, I need to "clutch it".
As Steve says, "Level 3" deep, as in the most personal reason why, for me is that I'm not happy with pretty much any part of my life. I'm tired and lazy. I don't go outside pretty much ever. I want to be proud of myself and who I am.

Quest 4: Goals

I'm somebody that cooks at least three times a week. I'm somebody who eats the majority of food homemade.
I'm somebody who weighs 150 lbs and can run a 5k.
I'm somebody that is  confident enough to do zumba or pilates.

I'm going to walk/run at least 3 days a week.
I'm going to cut out pop/soda of my diet, at least during the week.
I'm going to do a work out at least 3 days a week.
I'm going to try something new every week (food, activities, whatever).

WOOO Level up!
Now on Level two :)

Quest 5:  BATCAVE
Can I just say that NF is hilarious, and I love it.

I've decided that the basement is my new batcave.
I'm going to move all of the necessities for workouts, exercising, or physical activities downstairs.
Then, when I go buy my groceries, I'm going to keep them in the refrigerator there.
For portion control, I've already bought a bunch of mason jars to keep individual portions in. I have smaller 1 cup and bigger pint sized jars.

Now I gotta make myself move the stuff. Finnnneeee I'll go.
So here's what I did. I cleaned out one of the fridges down there so I can keep stuff in there. The fridge part isn't very cold so I turned it up. We'll see if it works. The freezer part has ice in it so that is working at least.
I moved my scale, measuring tape, and jump rope down there. Cleaned off space to put my computer or a tv if I can find one. Also, I moved my mom's kettle bell set down. She doesn't use them ever. She probably won't even notice. Like the heaviest one and the base for them aren't even unwrapped.
Once I get the tv down there, I'll move the DDR as well. Exciting lol

Mindset Quests: Completed!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Step Two: The Mentality

The first lessons to relearn is how to think.
No really.
Module One of this lovely program is the "Mindset".

Obviously this module is really important from the "Don't you dare skip this first module!" warning.

If you have read my first post, you know a bit about my mindset here already. Tinier me, Tinier life is the goal here. This goes along well with the NerdFitness(NF) goals, also known as:

"The Triforce of Awesome"

The Triforce is made up of Happiness, Health, and Feeling Great. Three things that sound amazing to me.
I want to be happier, healthier, and feel better about myself. Now to just apply that mentality to the ethics.

Here is what I have learned from NF's suggestions:

Small changes are better. As someone who wants to drastically change my life when I am unhappy, I need to remember that my stamina for change is short. I can change a whole lot of things, but I will be a whole lot of overwhelmed.

Nutrition is important. Yes. yes. Living at home is how I struggle with this. We tend to eat out a lot or eat junk at home. Plan: Buy my own groceries. I'm a big girl. I've done this before. I just need to do it at home too.

Make things more fun. Working on that. I did a lot of DDR back in the day, and I dust that off for a while. Plus I need to get outside more. I'm thinking playgrounds are in order.

Be efficient. Do things better.
Really what it boils down to.

I found this site, because I need the education. I need something to tell me what to do and where to go. I'm a good follower lol.

Step Two: Completed.

Time for some Quests :)

Step One: Character Selection

The new format of NerdFitness is seriously "leveling up your life".
Off the bat, you get to choose your path to maximize your XP. 
Not gonna lie, I got a little unrealistic haha. It wouldn't be me if I didn't dream big.

There is a blog post that NerdFitness wrote called "Real Life Roleplaying: What Profession are you?"
In essence, the you right now is your, in roleplaying terms, Race. Then, the you that you want to become is your Class.
The website currently has four awesome classes to choose from.

 1) Warrior- Strength training and lifting.
 2) Scout- Stamina, endurance, long-distance running.
 3) Ranger- like a mix of warrior and scout, cross-training
 4) Assassins- Agility, flexibility, parkour, rock climbing, Ninja warrior.

Wait. Did that just say "Ninja Warrior"?!?!

You mean like this...


For real, I can make my goal to become someone like this????

Ummm Really?!?

Honestly, I don't think I could ever come close to being like the amazing Kacy Catanzaro.

I do think I can try to discover my potential.

I don't think I will ever be on the Ninja Warrior course.
I can do one thing.
I can try.

So that's why I picked "Assassin".

Because when you pick "Assassin" in life, you might just be able to do things like

be the first woman to complete the warped wall on American Ninja Warrior
or ya know
just be extra stealthy or whatever.

Step One completed.

Well Hello there!

So hi friends. This is me. I'm Rachel. Nice to meet all of you. *Shakes you warmly by the hand*

As you can tell, my blog is called "Tiny Me, Tiny Life". This is because...welllll...

Life is inundated with stuff.
I'm filling my time and my voids with more things. I want things all the time. Sometimes I even feel like I need things. *gasp*

Honestly, I don't.
(aside from those like basic necessities that ya know everybody needs for life)

Here's the plan. Gather round.

Step 1: Do things.

Step 2: Feel better.

Step 3: Perfect life

Ok go!

It doesn't work that way does it...

Well I guess..ummm... New Plan!

I've joined a website called NerdFitness. Oh My. I love the concept of this. I'm so bad at application though.

This is my application then. I'm going to post my journey and what I've learned in this very location.

I want to live a fresher life. I want to be able to move out on my own. I freakin want a tiny house.
I want dis:

Or OMG this!

and because tiny, I want a tiny cat.

So yes, I noticed that I keep saying that "want" word again. Seriously.

1. Tiny House with Tiny Cat
2. Tinier Me
3. Simplified Life

3 things.
The real plan is simple. It's a quest for those things.
Feel free to follow me on my quest to get my tiny life!