Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Mindset: Core Content and Extra Credit

The great thing about NerdFitness is that Steve is awesome. Steve has not only created all of the content for the brand new Quest system, but he also has extra information for us to learn.  There's core content to work through and then even more additional readings.
I'm obviously not going to tell you everything that Steve has put into each section, because I do want him to get paid. If I learn something cool, I'll put a synopsis here. Please go check the program out for yourself though. Steve knows what he's talking about.

Unlockables! Every game of life needs unlockables. I mean, come on. What reward is there for doing stuff we don't want to do aside from having to do it more?
Some unlockable suggestions for you are:
After losing 15 lbs, go buy some new tshirts.
After losing 50 lbs, get a brand new haircut.
Completed all of the workouts this week, new nail polish!
Walked everyday, take a trip to the park.

Just don't use food! So counterproductive. Very bad. Much calories.
A healthier way to incorporate food I guess would be getting coffee with a friend.
Or maybe going fruit picking was a friend or your family. Something healthier, but with social components.
I could be wrong. Just some suggestions lol.

My youth always say "Embrace the Awkward". When there's awkward space, just live in it.
For me, my thought is we need to "Embrace the Uncomfortable". Nothing about starting over and setting a new path is comfortable. It's so much more comfortable to just continue what I'm doing and just dealing with the emotions.
That will get nowhere fast.
One way is to let yourself freak out for 10 seconds and then move on.
Count it out.
Then as Steve puts in one article, use "20 seconds of courage". Put on that courage face and walk in. Don't go back.

New thing. I'm going to start reading before bed. I've gotten into this Netflix funk where I watch show after show until a pass out. It's not healthy, and I'm pretty sure it makes me grumpier.

This concludes the Mindset tour. I've left out a lot of good stuff that you should go check out!

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