Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Quests: Mindset

Ok this is going to get personal here.

These things make me feel self-conscious to the point where I don't really want to make this post. That's how uncomfortable this makes me.
I'm not a quitter though. So here goes.

Quest 1: Take Pictures.

Guys. I hate pictures. I hate being in pictures. I hate seeing myself in pictures.
But, Steve from NF has a good point. Before pictures are important.
 In order to get my XP, I gotta take them.

Blah. Done. Now don't be douches and say mean things, or repost pictures somewhere else, or literally anything.
One offense = pictures will be taken down.

Quest 1 Completed.

Quest 2: Measurements

Well here is some more personal information I'm sure you all don't want to know.
1) I weigh 193 lbs. Gross. Just a few months ago I was in the 170s. Meaning I weighed less when I lived on my own and was responsible for my own food.
2) Tape measurements:
Neck- 14"
Chest- 45"
Biceps- 13", 13"
Waist- 43"
Hips- 46"
Thigh- 25", 25"
Calf- 16", 16"

Quest 3: Finding the Why

I think goals are really important. I'm not terribly goal-oriented, so I come off wishy washy. I set a bunch of goals and then get bored, leaving most uncompleted.

I spent my money on this program to make myself get what I really want. I'm tired of taking the easy way out. This program is what I need to get in gear. As my brother would say, I need to "clutch it".
As Steve says, "Level 3" deep, as in the most personal reason why, for me is that I'm not happy with pretty much any part of my life. I'm tired and lazy. I don't go outside pretty much ever. I want to be proud of myself and who I am.

Quest 4: Goals

I'm somebody that cooks at least three times a week. I'm somebody who eats the majority of food homemade.
I'm somebody who weighs 150 lbs and can run a 5k.
I'm somebody that is  confident enough to do zumba or pilates.

I'm going to walk/run at least 3 days a week.
I'm going to cut out pop/soda of my diet, at least during the week.
I'm going to do a work out at least 3 days a week.
I'm going to try something new every week (food, activities, whatever).

WOOO Level up!
Now on Level two :)

Quest 5:  BATCAVE
Can I just say that NF is hilarious, and I love it.

I've decided that the basement is my new batcave.
I'm going to move all of the necessities for workouts, exercising, or physical activities downstairs.
Then, when I go buy my groceries, I'm going to keep them in the refrigerator there.
For portion control, I've already bought a bunch of mason jars to keep individual portions in. I have smaller 1 cup and bigger pint sized jars.

Now I gotta make myself move the stuff. Finnnneeee I'll go.
So here's what I did. I cleaned out one of the fridges down there so I can keep stuff in there. The fridge part isn't very cold so I turned it up. We'll see if it works. The freezer part has ice in it so that is working at least.
I moved my scale, measuring tape, and jump rope down there. Cleaned off space to put my computer or a tv if I can find one. Also, I moved my mom's kettle bell set down. She doesn't use them ever. She probably won't even notice. Like the heaviest one and the base for them aren't even unwrapped.
Once I get the tv down there, I'll move the DDR as well. Exciting lol

Mindset Quests: Completed!

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