Sunday, August 17, 2014

Diet Quests, Part 2

Here's what I've decided for myself.

-I want to know what is in what I'm eating.
-I want to control the portions, without feeling like I'm starving.
-I want to feel better about myself and what I'm putting in my body.

I bought lots of good things :)

Paleo is supposed to eliminate more things than I really wanted to give up.
Rice, Gluten Free Breads, Sweet Potatoes, Nuts, and Yogurt are all still happening.
I did switch to all gluten free, non-dairy milks, and I've eliminated caloric beverages.

on to the quests!

The first 5 levels are pretty much completed already. I'm marking them completed now, but if by the end of the week, I fail, I will "un-mark" them.

Also tomorrow, I'm going to re-weigh in and take measurements.

I'm really excited.
Now to make fitness plans.

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